The anti-spam portal. Everything you didn’t want to have to know about spam.
Public effort against a new form of spam.
Fights spam on the Internet.
Covers anti-spam legislation.

'Spam. Don’t Buy It.' public education effort logo now available in Spanish
Eradicate Spam By Adopting Microsoft's Penny Black Anti-Spam Solution

Had Enough Spam? Get Ready For A Wave Of Obnoxious Screen Spam

Internet Users Must Take Responsibility For Spam Problem

"Spam. Don't Buy It."
Public Education Effort Launched And Funded By Permission Email Pioneer Mike Adams

Press Releases

Eradicate Spam By Adopting Microsoft's Penny Black Anti-Spam Solution, Urges Email Marketing Industry Pioneer Adams

The Internet community must act now to eliminate spam. The seriousness of the spam problem goes far beyond the mere annoyance of flooded email inboxes and offensive messages: spam threatens the viability of email as a communications medium. The degree of pollution is so severe that regular users are finding it difficult to justify using email at all. As a result, the very utility of the Internet is downgraded. When it comes to spam, we are all harmed in terms of productivity.

Had Enough Spam? Get Ready For A Wave Of Obnoxious Screen Spam.

"Screen spam is the most aggressive, obnoxious form of interruption advertising yet conceived on the web," explains Adams. "It's in the same category as annoying pop-under ads." Screen spam is an indication of the increasingly commercial nature of Internet content, and Adams expects its appearance to accelerate. "Screen spam devalues the Internet," he says, "by obscuring useful content with poorly-targeted commercial hype.

Internet Users Must Take Responsibility For Spam Problem, Urges Permission Email Pioneer Mike Adams
December 9, 2003 - Tucson, AZ - Statement from Mike Adams, President & CEO, Arial Software LLC, and founder of the "Spam. Don't Buy It." public education campaign ( Permission is granted for use of this statement with proper attribution...

"Spam. Don't Buy It."Public Education Effort Launched And Funded By Permission Email Pioneer Mike Adams
December 3, 2003 - Tucson, AZ - A national anti-spam public education effort was launched today by permission email pioneer Mike Adams. The "Spam. Don't Buy It." campaign ( works to educate Internet users on the importance of engaging in transactions only with those businesses and organizations that adhere to permission email practices.



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